April 1, 2007 – 2:00 PM
Location: Atlantic Veterinary College, Faculty Lounge, 4th floor
Chair: Dr. Marti Hopson, President
Minutes: Joy Tremblay, Secretary
Board: Dr. Marti Hopson, President; Beverly Hillier, Treasurer; Joy Tremblay, Secretary; Dr. Peter Foley, Diane Minick, Charlotte Jenkins, Betty MacKenzie, Carol Ann Desjardins
1. Welcome and Introductions
Dr. Marti Hopson, President, welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Approval of Agenda, April 1, 2007:
Ashley Harvey moved and Charlotte Jenkins seconded the adoption of the agenda.
Motion carried.
3. Approval of Minutes, AGM April 2, 2006:
Colleen Pigeon moved and Beverly Hillier seconded the approval of the minutes of the April 2, 2006, Annual General Meeting as circulated. Motion carried.
4. Chairperson’s Report: Part One
Dr. Marti Hopson presented the Report of the Chair (attached) and gave an excellent power point presentation outlining the accomplishments of Cat Action Team’s Trap-Neuter-Release program over the past year, noting that this was CAT’s biggest year ever, neutering 1,000 cats in less than a year, bringing the total number of cats altered to over 3,000 since the inception of the program in 2000.
Dr. Hopson gave thanks to Dr. Alice Crook of The Sir James Dunn Animal Welfare Centre, and Suzanne and Eric Butler of the Pegasus Foundation, our two largest sources of funding, for their most generous support. Also thanked were Abegweit Animal Hospital, Montague Veterinary Clinic, Kensington Veterinary Clinic, Summerside Animal Hospital and West Prince Veterinary Services (O’Leary) for participating in Cat Action Team’s TNR Program. Small commemorative plaques (donated by Trophy Hut) were given to several clinics denoting their 5 year contributions to Cat Action Team.
Dr. Hopson also gave special thanks to Dr. Peter Foley, Dr. Dave Eisenbart and Dr. Ann Marie Carey of the Atlantic Veterinary College for organizing the AVC Neuter Day clinics, and all the staff and students who volunteer their services.
On behalf of the Board, Dr. Hopson thanked the many volunteers who make Cat Action Team so successful, listing as many people as possible, and outlining the activities (catnip mice making, shelter building, donations, educational presentations, and colony care-giving and kitten fostering) and the many successful fundraising events over the past year (catnip mice sales, raffles, bake sales, craft fairs, bikathons, grocery bagging, car-washing, 2nd hand book drives, auctions, special event evenings, donation jar programs, yard sales, bingos, cookbook sales, flea markets ) that combine to keep CAT’s TNR programs running.
Dr Hopson discussed the contributions of Iams Eukanuba Pet Food Company (300 lbs. cat food every month and two $2,000.00 grants for test kits,) thanking them and other food suppliers (reclamation companies). Also thanked were Novartis Pharmaceuticals, and most especially Pfizer Canada, who thanks to the support of Dr. Rob Nixon, head of veterinary affairs for Pfizer, supplies Cat Action with vaccines and other medications not only for the AVC neuter clinics, but all other veterinary clinics participating in our TNR program.
To conclude, Dr. Hopson thanked all the current and past board members of Cat Action Team, whose hard work and tireless efforts co-ordinate the Cat Action programs.
5. Committee Reports:
Neuter Committee: Dr. Peter Foley gave the Report of the Neuter Committee.
Dr. Peter Foley presented a statistic report (attached) on the number of cats presented to TNR Clinics on the Island. As of the date of the AGM, over 3,100 cats have gone through CAT Action TNR clinics since the program’s inception, and a chart presented by Dr. Foley demonstrated the numbers of cats seen in all participating Island veterinary clinics. Notably, the highest numbers of cats are seen at the Atlantic Veterinary College TNR clinics, supported by the Sir James Dunn Animal Welfare Centre, and the Pegasus Foundation. Dr. Foley also gave a report on the prevalence of Feline Leukemia Virus and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, noting that while there was a steady decrease in the numbers of cats in TNR clinics presenting with those diseases until this year, the numbers of FIV and FeLV cases showed a slight increase in 2006, due most probably to clinics held for new colonies in areas that hadn’t been reached before. However, the overall statistics on these diseases show a steady decline in prevalence, (despite the higher percentage of disease in new colonies), and show a steeper decline in the prevalence of disease in established colonies. Dr. Foley also noted that it is difficult to gauge the impact of TNR on the whole feral cat population, but CAT’s work is certainly having an impact as far as individual cats are concerned, and also having an impact on the number of cats being surrendered to the PEI Humane Society: statistics would seem to indicate that there is a correlation between the increasing numbers of neutered feral cats and an increasing decline in the numbers of surrendered cats at the shelter.
6. Audited Financial Statements – December 31, 2006:
Beverly Hillier, Treasurer, introduced Michelle Burge of MRSB Chartered Accountants, who gave a presentation on CAT Action Team’s financial position, based on their yearly audit. (see MSRB Report). It was reported that overall CAT’s financial status was healthy, showing a profit of excess of revenue over expenditures, and net assets for the end of year at $12,789, up over 2005’s assets of $8,010.
Bob Stanley made a motion to accept the MSRB Financial Statement, seconded by Colleen Pigeon. Carried unanimously.
Collen Pigeon made a further motion to remain with MSRB as CAT’s auditing company, seconded by Audrey Woodruff. Carried unanimously.
7. Chairperson’s Report, Part Two:
Bob Stanley presented a short documentary film outlining Cat Action’s programs and activities, interviewing Cat’s veterinarians, shelter caregivers and examining the plight of feral cats on the Island, whose lives are bettered by the efforts of CAT volunteers. The film was very well received. The film will be made available as a dvd copy for a suggested donation of $10.00 and will help promote CAT’s TNR program and increase public awareness of the feral cat problem. The film will also premiere at an Arts Guild screening for a $5.00 admission fee.
8. Election of the Board of Directors:
Four board positions were up for renewal: Dr. Marti Hopson, president, Diane Minick, executive member, Beverly Hillier, treasurer, and Betty MacKenzie, with Paula Connolly and Bob Stanley offering for 2 vacant positions on the board. President Dr. Marti Hopkins called for nominations from the floor, and when no volunteer put his/her name forward, Carol Ann Desjardins made a motion to close the nominations, seconded by Candy Gallant, and the candidates for election were named to the board by acclamation.
Dr. Hopson thanked the both the current board and the outgoing board members for their hard work in 2006, and welcomed the new board members.
A short question and answer period took place and Dr. Hopson fielded questions from the floor, about the recall of Purina and Hill’s cat food from retail shelves because of tainted food products resulting in animals being poisoned. Also brought up by volunteers were concerns about cat-napping (theft) possibly taking place in some Island communities.
9. Adjournment at 4:15 pm. Motion to adjourn by Charlotte Jenkins, seconded by Beverly Hillier.