April 2, 2006 – 2:00 PM
Location: St. Eleanors Recreation Centre
Chair: Ashley Harvey, Acting Chair
Minutes: Karen Noonan, Secretary
Board: Ashley Harvey, A/Chair; Beverly Hillier, Treasurer; Karen Noonan, Secretary; Dr. Peter Foley; Diane Minick; Joy Tremblay; Paula Connolly; Betty MacKenzie
Regrets: Dr. Marti Hopson
1. Welcome and Introductions
Ashley Harvey, A/Chair, welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Approval of Agenda, April 2, 2006
Joy Tremblay moved and Dr. Peter Foley seconded the adoption of the agenda. Motion carried.
3. Approval of Minutes, AGM April 3, 2005
Diane Minick moved and Joy Tremblay seconded the approval of the minutes of the April 3, 2005 Annual General Meeting as circulated. Motion carried.
4. Chairperson’s Report
Ashley Harvey presented the Report of the Chair (attached). Ashley outlined the success of Cat Action Team from an idea to start a Trap-Neuter-Release program to the neutering of 2,000 cats on PEI by September 2005, noting that it couldn’t have happened without the support of volunteers. On behalf of the Board, Ashley thanked all those volunteers who helped with TNR clinics, stuff catnip mice, build shelters, and fundraise. In addition, she thanked all those dedicated volunteers who “help care for our cats through feeding and maintaining colonies.” Ms Harvey thanked the Sir James Dunn Animal Welfare Centre for their generous grant, and Suzanne and Eric Butler for their financial assistance through the Pegasus Foundation. As well, thanks went to our corporate sponsors: Iams Eukanuba Pet Food Company, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, and Pfizer Canada; and our veterinarian and veterinarian students who make Trap-Neuter-Release days a reality.
5. Committee Reports
Neuter Committee: Diane Minick gave the Report of the Neuter Committee. She answered questions as to why she felt there were so many cats on our waiting list, stating that CAT is getting more well known and getting more referrals, many barn cats on the list, and abandoned family pets.
Dr. Peter Foley presented a statistic report (attached) on the number of cats presented to TNR clinics on the island and the prevalence of Feline Leukaemia Virus and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus.
Discussion followed on how people could get involved to reduce the number of stray and feral cats, such as: no-kill shelters, stronger penalties for abandoning pets, education, and the need for low-cost neutering for some clients. Ashley Harvey encouraged CAT members to get involved in initiatives they felt would help the situation, and to liase with the CAT Board on issues going to the media. Joy offered to add non-CAT member names to the CAT communication email list to assist with outreach.
6. Audited Financial Statements – December 31, 2005
Beverly Hillier, Treasurer, provided an overview of the circulated Financial Statements (attached). She reported that fundraising was up, while donations had gone down. CAT has received a bequest in response to this new initiative to place memorial cards in funeral homes on Prince Edward Island. Paula Connolly moved and Frank Honish seconded the adoption of the Financial Statements. Motion carried.
Bob Stanley moved and Colleen Pidgeon seconded a motion to adopt MRSB Chartered Accountants as the Auditors of Cat Action Team. Motion carried.
7. Monthly Budgeting
Ashley Harvey provided an overview of a typical monthly budget for Cat Action Team.
8. Election of the Board of Directors
Four board positions were up for renewal: Dr. Peter Foley, Joy Tremblay, Karen Noonan, and one vacancy. The following nominations were received for the four positions: Carol Ann Desjardins, Sharon Dunn, Dr. Peter Foley, Charlotte Jenkins, Bob Stanley, and Joy Tremblay. Following elections, the following members were elected to the Board: Dr. Peter Foley, Joy Tremblay, Carol Ann Desjardins, and Charlotte Jenkins.
9. Adjournment at 4:10pm. Prior to adjourning, Bob Stanley provided details about his upcoming Tip-to-Tip bicycle trip on June 24-25 to raise money for CAT. He will be looking for volunteers to help with fundraising and awareness.