29 March, 2009
Location: AVC Faculty Lounge, Charlottetown
Chair: Bob Stanley, President
Minutes: Glenda Carver
1. Welcome: Bob Stanley
2. Approval of Agenda 29 March, 2009: Marty Hopson moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Audrey Woodruff.
3. Approval of minutes 30 March, 2008: Dr Peter Foley moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Elizabeth Schoales.
4. Business arising from last general meeting: Proposed bylaw wording changed to read
9.02 The members may, at each annual general meeting….
As per bylaw #13.01- any bylaw repeal or amendment must be done at the AGM with one months’s notice in writing specifying the intention to propose the repeal or amendment. Any intention to change a bylaw should go out with the AGM notice. We have missed the one month notice time period. Proposed bylaw change tabled to next meeting.
Marti Hopson stated that we also must have 66% of the membership present and this must take place at a general meeting.
Audit: We must have an outside entity check our books. We will have to spend $1,000- 1,500 per year. It is not required but lends credibility to the organization. It has helped us in the past with grant applications. Cancelling our audit might save us $1,500 but cost us in grant income. The bylaw change would enable us to make the decision whether or not to have an audit performed. Ron Curtis questioned whether we could present it at next year’s AGM.
Bylaw 4.04: Diane Minick questioned changing the wording of Bylaw 4.04 to enable people to join the board who may not have been members in good standing since 31 December of the previous year. Bob Stanley suggested that when another AGM is scheduled the proposed bylaw changes be dealt with at that time.
5. Chairperson’s report: See report presented by Bob Stanley
6. Iams contributions in 2008: See report presented by Dr Marti Hopson. Dr Hopson made two corrections to the report. In 2008 they donated $2000.00 to be used for FeLV/FIV test kits and not $3000.00 as stated in the report. In 2009, they have already donated another $4100.00 for test kits, this being the 4th year they have been able to make a generous donation of this sort and not $3700.00 as stated in the report.
7. Dr Peter Foley-See update on statistics & the Sir James Dunn and the Pegasus Foundation Grant.
8. Beverly Hillier report and MRSB Chartered Accountants Report presented by Michelle Burge:
Beverly Hillier moved to accept the MRSB Chartered Accountants report. Seconded by Marty Hopson. Membership unanimously accepted that MRSB perform an audit for the next year.
9. Fundraising: See report presented by Bob Stanley.
10. Election of board: Three people offered for seven positions. Elizabeth Schoales, Paula Connolly and Diane Minick elected by acclamation.
11. Move to adjourn the meeting by Elizabeth Schoales at 3:25 pm.